
Infrastructure in the U.S. has improved some, but the American Society of Civil Engineers is still giving infrastructure a C, up from a C-minus in 2021.

Report card chair Darren Olsen says some areas are worse than others.

I look at sectors of our infrastructure that have been underfunded for long periods of time, and one of those that I think about is transit,” Olsen said. “That had one of our lowest grades of a D. And our transit systems have really been underfunded for really decades at this point.”

Olsen says aging infrastructure systems are increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters and extreme weather events. He says going forward they need to have a solutions summit with elected officials to work on investing in infrastructure.

Looking specifically at Michigan, the Infrastructure Report Card gives the state a C-minus. It says, “Recent investments have led to improved infrastructure grades in Michigan, but the state’s transportation, energy and water networks face significant holes to climb out of after years of underinvestment.”