The Lake Michigan College Visual and Performing Arts Department will bring “School of Rock: The Musical” to the LMC Mendel Center this month.
LMC says the show is part of a thematic season, showcasing the power of arts and music on people’s lives. Director Susan Matheny tells us the show is, of course, based off the popular film, “School of Rock,” which features Jack Black as a down and out musician who starts teaching music to some prep school kids.
Matheny says they’ve got some impressive talent taking part in the stage show.
“There’s a rock band made up of kids in the show, the actors, and they’re actually all young, like teens, just barely teens at the most,” Matheny said. “I’ve got an 11 year old on keyboard and they’re all really playing the instruments.”
Matheny says she graduated from LMC and worked with the theater department before, having directed Rent some years ago. She was asked to help out with School of Rock because the LMC theater instructor is in Spain studying as a Fulbright U.S. Scholar. She says she’s glad to step in and direct a show that’s getting a lot of positive buzz.
“I can’t believe how many people quote it to me when I tell them I’m directing. It’s so funny, people quoting things. I knew the show and I thought it would be really fun, but I couldn’t quote it when I started, but it’s hilarious. People are really into it.”
“School of Rock: The Musical” will feature some music from the film, but also a lot of new compositions, which Matheny describes as “fun rock music.”
The show will run at the Mendel Center from March 28 through April 6. Tickets are available now.