
Mark your calendars because the Region IV Area Agency on Aging will hold its annual Legislative Forum next month.

Agency CEO Christine Vanlandingham tells us they’ve been doing this for 18 years now, inviting Southwest Michigan state lawmakers to come and speak directly with the people they represent. She says this is everyone’s chance to let a legislator speak to someone who’s not a lobbyist.

So, what are the issues seniors most commonly ask about?

Older adults, by and large, by the vast majority, want to live in their own homes and communities as they age,” Vanlandingham said. “So making Southwest Michigan a place where people can age with dignity and independence  and that they have choice.”

Vanlandingham says support for caregivers is also a major priority. With all the uncertainty surrounding federal spending right now, she does expect a few related questions.

Things like Medicaid, it is a federal and state partnership. There’s federal dollars attached to that. It’s a federal match and state dollars attached to it. So you really can’t have one conversation without the other. I think we will hear that.”

Vanlandingham says past forums have resulted in policies bolstering the state’s ombudsman service, which provides advocates for seniors in nursing homes.

On hand for the forum will be state Representatives Brad Paquette, Steve Carra, and Joey Andrews, as well as state Senator Jonathan Lindsey. State Representative Pauline Wendzel and state Senator Aric Nesbitt will have staff present.

The forum will be on April 28 at the Area Agency on Aging Campus for Creative Aging in St. Joseph from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Registration is not required to attend.